Christmas on The Pakubuwono Menteng

Christmas on The Pakubuwono Menteng

As the year draws to a close, many apartment owners and tenants are eagerly preparing for their year-end holidays abroad or a return to their home countries. The excitement of travel, however, should be complemented by a thorough plan to ensure that your unit remains secure and well-maintained in your absence. Here are some curated tips to assist residents of The Pakubuwono Menteng and beyond in preparing their homes for a worry-free holiday.

  1. Secure Your Abode: Before you embark on your holiday adventure, take the time to secure your home. Lock all doors and windows. Inform your building management about your travel plans and fill out the Resident’s Vacation Leave Form available at the Tenant Relations Officer counters. This will allow building management to contact you, or your appointed person/emergency contact should any emergency, such as fire, leaks, or flood, arise that may not only your unit but also other units while you are away from home. This extra layer of security will give you peace of mind during your time away.
  2. Unplug and Save Energy: Cut down on energy consumption and reduce your electricity bill by unplugging electronic devices and appliances. Not only does this contribute to energy conservation, but it also minimizes the risk of electrical fires.
  3. Double-Check Appliances: Ensure that all appliances, such as induction hob, ovens, and irons, are turned off before leaving. Double-check faucets to prevent any leaks, and consider shutting off the main water supply to minimize the risk of water damage. Taking these precautions will not only save energy but also prevent potential hazards.
  4. Dispose of Perishables: Clean out your refrigerator and dispose of perishable items to prevent unpleasant surprises upon your return. Consider donating non-perishable items to a local food bank to minimize waste.
  5. Document Important Information: Keep a record of essential information such as emergency contacts, travel insurance details, and a copy of your itinerary. Share this information with a trusted friend or family member so they can reach you in case of an emergency.

As you embark on your holiday adventure, let your departure be a testament to responsible and mindful living. By following these tips, residents of The Pakubuwono Menteng can contribute to a safe and secure community while enjoying their well-deserved holiday and wishing you a joyful and worry-free vacation!